Born in 1982 in Moline, Illinois, Dorie was first exposed to the medium when she stumbled upon a small glass studio in her hometown. Since graduating from Illinois State University in 2008, Guthrie has continued her studies, being awarded scholarships, at Corning Museum of Glass, Penland School of Craft, and Pittsburgh Glass Center where she furthered her technique.
Over the last five years Dorie worked on staff at the Pilchuck Glass School, and also has been a teacher’s assistant at Corning Museum of Glass, Pilchuck, Haystack Mountain School of Craft and Pittsburgh Glass Center. Ms. Guthrie was selected to demonstrate flameworking at the 2013 Glass Art Society Conference in Toledo, Ohio.
Before uprooting to Brooklyn, Dorie taught kilncasting, flameworking, fusing, and imagery techniques at Brazee Street Studio, a Bullseye KGRC in Cincinnati, Ohio. Bullseye Glass Co. Resource Center has given her a solo show in NY, opening June 1, 2019.
She is currently teaching, fabricating and working with visiting artists at UrbanGlass downtown Brooklyn.